Knowledge Children Young

The parents are responsible for the development and upbringing of the children. Schools must do what follows from the curriculum. Students are entitled to a safe learning environment. This is the school leader and teacher who is responsible for. Lack of action against bullying must have consequences. The school owner, school management and all employees in the school have a duty to intervene against bullying.
The schools in Sandefjord municipality will practice early intervention. This means that they must address challenges as soon as they are identified. It also means that the overlap from kindergarten to school must be good, so that the school is well prepared if there are school starters with extra challenges.
There must also be a good dialogue with other family-related services. Schools must have sufficient competence to handle students who have challenges with ordinary blackboard teaching, or who have challenges with sitting still. The municipality as school owner is responsible for ensuring that all schools have the necessary procedures and competence to ensure that these pupils also have good schooling.
Sandefjord FrP believes that the municipality must stimulate children and young people to take education and achieve competence development by emphasizing the individual's skills and motivation. By that, Sandefjord FrP believes that children should have education adapted to their own level, based on the prerequisites the children have.
Sandefjord FrP does not want a unitary school, but that all children should receive adapted teaching based on the individual's skills. Professionally strong children must be motivated through the opportunity to take subjects at upper secondary level, while academically weak children must be motivated through an adapted education that provides a feeling of mastery and that ensures professional development.
Sandefjord FrP wants to implement / expand the use of technology and digital learning tools in schools. The goal is to make the teaching more exciting and relevant as well as to give the child tasks that are adapted to their own skill level so that everyone can achieve mastery and motivation. Such tools also free up time for the teacher and make it easier to follow the development of each individual child.
The training should give the students a good basis for understanding themselves, others and the world, and for making good choices in life. The training shall provide a good starting point for participation in all areas within education, work and society. It is therefore important to see the concept of learning outcomes in connection with an overall goal that all students in Norwegian schools should grow up to the best possible version of themselves, and that they as adults should participate actively in society and working life.
Learning outcomes include students 'competence in the subjects, development of the five basic skills, together with students' social learning and personal development. Teachers must be active leaders who are professional and straightforward, with clear requirements and high expectations for students' learning outcomes.
The role of teacher must be characterized by professional practice with professional knowledge of learning and teaching. Ability to make good student assessments based on objective criteria and academically based assessment criteria, and that grades should be set based on objective academic performance Sandefjord FrP believes that national tests and other forms of mapping are important tools, which means that the individual principal, teachers and school owner at all times be familiar with the situation at the individual school. This is how you can put in place the necessary measures so that all students learn what they are entitled to.
There must be full transparency, so that parents also have access to knowledge about the quality of schools. Information about results on national tests in reading and arithmetic, primary school credits, learning environment - and the proportion of students who state that they are bullied or excluded must be generally available.
All students in Sandefjord municipality must have a safe school route. Where the road is not safe to travel along, school transport shall be offered. For various reasons, children and parents may want the child to go to a school other than the local school. Sandefjord FrP wants this to be facilitated as long as there is room at the school.
School boundaries must be assessed on the basis of an established school structure and weighed against the necessary development of new schools and infrastructure.

Continue to improve teaching with digital aids
That there should be better discipline in the school
That all students should be allowed to develop their individual skills
Provide the school's users with the best possible working environment
That alternative schools be established, to increase the options
Give teachers tools to prevent and deal with bullying in school
That anyone who engages in serious bullying over time must change schools and be followed up
Retain the function of school secretary at the individual school
Give teachers the right and duty to further and continuing education
Aim for a 50 percent share of foreign-language students in the school class
Sandefjord FRP is positive about the new school structure, we believe that Stokke must now be included in the planning as the plans for housing development in Stokke are large.
New school buildings and changes to school district boundaries create debate and possible contradictions in a local environment. Sandefjord FrP understands that this engages the parents and guardians of today's students. Safety in the local environment can mean a lot to the individual. The fear that this will result in poorer learning opportunities for pupils, as well as a more unsafe route to school, Sandefjord FrP wants to take seriously.
Sandefjord FrP puts the students' learning environment in the front seat. Older school buildings have had the task of providing functionally supportive frameworks for the work between teachers and pupils in classrooms. Teaching has changed over time and Sandefjord FrP therefore believes that we do not have the school buildings that the current, and future, situation requires.
The school buildings in Sandefjord have varying standards and educational functionality. Some of the schools have such a low building and functional standard that major measures are necessary. This is a reality Sandefjord FrP takes on board.
Building a new school is an extensive and time-consuming process, there are many people to be involved and there is a lot to consider. Sandefjord FrP is not in favor of thinking about a new structure within the school to save money, but to spend more money on the content and learning in the school and less money on operating buildingsr.

Provide the school's users with the best possible working environment
Build new and forward-looking school buildings
Increase investments in traffic safety measures on school roads
Ensure good maintenance of schools that must pass

The right to a kindergarten place has been strengthened with the Progress Party in government. Children born in September, October and November are now entitled to a place in the month they turn one year old. Children who turn one year old after this, and their parents, are still discriminated against in that they are not entitled to a kindergarten place until August.
Sandefjord FrP will work for a continuous admission in the kindergartens in Sandefjord municipality, so that all one-year-olds are offered a kindergarten place when they turn one year old, regardless of when in the year this happens.
Sandefjord FrP believes that it is a good daycare offer that is important - not who delivers it. Ergo, both municipal and private are suitable for delivering daycare facilities. The day care offer may have a specialized focus such as: experience day care centers, sports day care centers, cultural day care centers, etc.
It must be up to parents to be able to choose between different kindergartens with specialized offers and what suits their children. As an overriding goal, it is important that the day care center provides safe and social children, that bullying is avoided and that all day care center children are seen in the day care center, where each individual child must be individually accommodated by the day care center.
We are positive about reading and writing training in kindergartens. Good basic staffing and a stable staffing situation are a prerequisite for good kindergartens.
A major development is taking place in the municipality. especially in the town of Stokke. It will therefore be important in the coming years to look at the childcare provision in the whole municipality and we will be positive about the establishment of new childcare facilities, particularly in Stokke. This is because there are many development plans underway and these development plans are largely aimed at families with young children.
Increased childcare provision triggers a need for municipal funding, so we will have to prioritize the areas with the greatest need.

Facilitate the conditions for the establishment of kindergartens set up and run by private organisations, institutions, foundations and companies.
Ensure that municipal kindergartens meet the requirements of the law and are run economically rationally.
That public and private kindergartens are treated equally
Aim for a 50 per cent share of foreign language learners in the municipality's kindergartens
Be positive about extended opening hours in the nurseries

Sandefjord FrP is of the opinion that the after-school program is something other than school and kindergarten, and it is not part of the school. There are also no requirements for teaching staff. Sandefjord FrP therefore believes that this service should be financed via parental payment according to the cost-principle, but sees the cost challenge if you have several children in steps 1-4.

Continue scheme with 25% sibling moderation

Child welfare
Sandefjord FrP wants the child welfare service to be the municipality's responsibility. It is the parents' responsibility and duty to give children the security, care and love they need to grow up to become independent and responsible individuals. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Therefore, we must have good arrangements that protect and help the families and children who need it.
Sandefjord FrP will therefore strengthen the cooperation between schools, kindergartens, health stations, voluntary organizations, child welfare, family welfare and the police.
It is important that the municipality's agencies that are in contact with children are to a greater extent enabled to detect when children are exposed to violence, abuse and other forms of neglect. The earlier this is captured, the less intrusive the measures often become. Sometimes it will be necessary to take the child out of the home; only then does the child welfare service step in. Then it is a matter of protecting children's rights, even if it is at the expense of the adults' interests and convenience.
The child welfare service must always assess the immediate family and the family's network that the child already knows when there is a need for a foster home. The child must participate in and have an influence on the decisions that concern them. The child welfare service shall implement measures that ensure that the child's rights are safeguarded, at the same time as the child welfare service ensures that the offer provided is better than the child came from.

Ensure that the child protection service works in line with current regulations and that the service is sound
Work to ensure that the obligation to report to the municipal council is carried out twice a year
Continue and develop the "think together" project

Kindergarten and school building
In the autumn of 2018, a report was presented by Norconsult that says something about the structure within the kindergarten sector in Sandefjord Municipality, especially in the part that was Sandefjord Municipality before the merger. Sandefjord FrP will use the report as a basis for further discussions about the daycare offer for the benefit of the children, parents and employees. Sandefjord FrP wants the proportion of private kindergartens not to be disturbed.
In the autumn of 2018, a report was presented by Norconsult that says something about the structure within the primary school sector in Sandefjord Municipality. An important point in this report deals with the development in the different age levels in Sandefjord Municipality, based on figures from Statistics Norway and municipal plans. Sandefjord FrP will use the report as a basis for further discussions about the structure within the primary school sector in Sandefjord. We will look at opportunities for larger and more modern school buildings than we have today. This is to improve content and learning environment

Work to ensure that children and young people grow up safely
Collaborate with volunteers to ensure various child and youth services.
Continue the experience card for children and young people
Work to ensure that the municipality offers various measures to be able to help
Work to give the police the necessary tools to be able to protect victims from repeated serious youth crime
In collaboration with the central party, look at the need for legislative changes or other measures to prevent increased child and youth crime