Culture Sports Leisure time
Sandefjord FrP's goal is for Sandefjord to be developed into a municipality with a free and independent cultural life for the benefit of residents and visitors. Sandefjord FrP wants a diverse cultural life with reduced political control.
We believe that cultural life to a greater extent can and should finance itself. Cultural life should to a greater extent be developed as a separate industry, where the audience's enthusiasm will to a large extent be decisive for which art forms survive.
It is not a political task to decide what are good cultural expressions, for example through public support, but where the public sector spends money on cultural initiatives, it is important that the money benefits most people. Children and young people should be given priority when public cultural and sports funds are to be distributed.
Sandefjord FrP's cultural policy is based on principles of tolerance and freedom of expression. Culture can not be defined specifically, but is an open concept that expresses the values and qualities that each individual attaches high self-esteem. What is culture for one does not have to be for another.
Maintain the subsidy scheme for cultural life
Support cultural offerings aimed at children and young people
Everyone should have the opportunity to engage in outdoor life as a positive activity for health and well-being. Sandefjord FrP supports the right of the public, with individual responsibility to travel in a considerate manner, with regard to the landowner, the environment and others who use outdoor areas. Both the landowner and the general public have a responsibility to prevent conflicts. Where conflicts arise, these must be resolved by applying laws and regulations. Private property rights must be given particular weight in such cases.
Sandefjord FrP will invest in the establishment and maintenance of hiking trails and other outdoor arenas that benefit most people. Designed for young and old with a universal design where appropriate, for many this will be what you need to be able to get active.
Sandefjord FrP is concerned with good play areas for children and young people in the surrounding areas, therefore we will look at the possibility of having somewhat fewer, but larger playgrounds with more activities. It is formany playgrounds that lie fallow and are little used,
Sandefjord FrP wants a review of the municipality'splaygrounds to assess the possibility of developing fewer but better playgrounds. The aim is to improve the current offer, but at the same time ensure proximity to the playground.
Safeguard public rights and ensure access to beaches, forests and fields
That landowners should receive income from fishing licenses and hunting licenses as today
That important publicly owned natural areas can be protected, or by voluntary relinquishment of land from private individuals
That when private land is cordoned off, market-based compensation must be given
Arrange hiking trails with the greatest possible degree of universal design where possible.
Sell Midtåsen, but ensure that the surrounding area can be used by the public
Increase the grant for maintenance and upgrading of playgrounds
Work for a review of the municipality's playgrounds
At a time when children are far more passive than before, all our voluntary teams and associations are especially important. Leisure activities for children and young people are also important for well-being and the upbringing environment, as well as for the development of social skills and belonging.
The child and youth work that is done in voluntary teams and associations is invaluable as preventive work, also when it comes to drug problems, integration, preventing loneliness and more. Volunteering must be given the opportunity to grow and flourish, independent of political control.
Volunteering should not be used by the public sector as an instrument, but must be allowed to choose its tasks, organization and form of work itself. This is a large and important work for children and young people to gain an identity for their immediate environment. Much of the well-being for most people is related to experiences in the cultural field. Teams, associations and individuals make an outstanding effort to offer a varied selection of events.
Maintain the current subsidy arrangements for the voluntary centres
Maintain the current local environment scheme and be positive about a development
That there should be good cooperation between the voluntary sector and the municipality
Sandefjord FrP believes that a separate state subsidy scheme should be established to take care of and maintain church buildings with cultural-historical value, as well as other statutory tasks. The Norwegian cultural heritage represents great values and helps to give the nation and its citizens identity and a sense of community. Our common cultural heritage is represented through cultural monuments, properties, buildings, music, art, literature and language.
That the financial responsibility for handling past monuments is placed on the state
Sandefjord FrP agrees that library services should be free. Everyone should have the opportunity to use the library's services. School libraries are an important arena for knowledge, and therefore Sandefjord FrP believes that good school libraries are an important factor in achieving students' learning goals.
We further believe that the libraries' core business must be strengthened, but that activities with pure entertainment offerings that compete with private business can be advantageously reduced. The library is, and should be strengthened, as an offer within integration.
Maintain school library
That everyone should have the opportunity to use the library's services
Still be positive about libraries open in the evening
Maintain library services in Stokke, Andebu and Sandefjord
Sandefjord FrP has great respect for the spirit of hard work and commitment of parents / guardians in the youth work. Sports shall, as far as possible, be independent of political control. Sport must not be seen as an extended arm of the public sector, but must grow and grow on its own terms for the benefit of participants and athletes.
Countless hours are put into voluntary efforts to ensure that the participants get the most out of the various activities, and voluntary organizations make a large and important contribution in many areas of society.
Public funds spent on sports should primarily be used on children's and youth sports. A broad commitment to sports will also be an important element in the work to achieve a broader integration. Top sports must be self-financed, so that it does not draw public funds away from grassroots sports. Physical activity is an important factor for good health. Sports and public health are two sides of the same coin.
Sandefjord FrP wants each individual to be able to lay the foundation for good health in life. Sport can also be a good arena for integration into society. Surveys show that immigrants, especially girls, are to a lesser extent members of sports teams than the average in the population. Sandefjord FrP wants to contribute to sports enjoyment for everyone.
Sandefjord FrP is concerned that sports that are not among the well-established must also be allowed, and that all sports should be treated according to the same principles by the public sector.
Contribute to good grant schemes for sports
Let us be positive about getting advance funds for sports facilities
Playing on a team with sports