Health Social Care

Freedom for the individual is a fundamental value for Sandefjord FrP, also in health and care. Each person can best decide for themselves what is right for themselves and their loved ones. Such a view of man is based on the fact that each individual human being is unique and must be shown dignity.
Sandefjord FrP takes the ombudsman role seriously and believes that competition among those who offer health and care services inspires innovation, modernization, technological development, specialization, cost reduction and efficiency.
Therefore, Sandefjord FrP will work for an increasing collaboration between private providers and the municipality. The municipality has a strong right to order services to set strict requirements for the service to be delivered. Carrying out inspections and user surveys to ensure a safe and good service are tools that Sandefjord FrP believes should be actively used. The capacity of the health care system, both public and private, must be used to avoid unnecessary waiting time.
This applies to substance abuse care, rehabilitation, psychiatry, elderly care and other municipal care services. Transparency about real waiting times and waiting lists is important.

Be a driving force for the municipality to continue to offer next-of-kin benefit for care
That the municipality must have a realistic public health perspective in all its planning.
That the individual should have the freedom to choose between private and public providers.
Increase the allocation and increase the use of welfare technology.
That Sandefjord municipality should be a pioneer and driving force to adopt new aids and approved treatment methods.

health and care
Older people possess valuable skills and constitute a valuable resource in society.
The senior population in Norway is constantly increasing, but is not a uniform group. The only thing that is common to all is age. Most are healthy and well-functioning, and manage on their own without the need for special measures.
Increased freedom of choice increases well-being and joy of life. Elderly people should be able to choose which nursing home they want to live in or who will come to their home and help them in their everyday lives. They have to choose for themselves when they want to go to bed, when they want to get up, what kind of food they want to eat and when they want to eat it. Things you and I take for granted every day.
Those who, for health reasons, need care services, shall be guaranteed freedom of choice and needs-covering measures at the right time. Care must be provided on the basis of the principle that all people are equal, and must have respect for the individual's dignity.
If we are to achieve quality in elderly care, there is a need for competent labor. To secure
recruitment of good competence, it must therefore be made professionally attractive to work in elderly care.
We will therefore be in favor of measures that make it possible to further or further education.
Furthermore, we will have an increased focus on nutrition among the elderly. The joy of food is strengthened by the food being made where the elderly live. Welfare technology can help make everyday life easier, safer and freer and give more people the opportunity to live in their own homes even longer.
Sandefjord FrP is concerned with using new technology in the care services. This can strengthen the security and well-being of the individual user and free up time for nursing staff, so that you can use the resources for more activity and conversations with the individual. Welfare technology as a supplement to the warm hands in care and nursing, will also provide greater security for the relatives.
Sandefjord FrP will work to implement the reform "Live your whole life". It should contribute to the elderly being able to master life longer, have security that they receive good help when they need it, that relatives can contribute without being exhausted and that employees can use their expertise in the services. The main focus is to create a more age-friendly municipality and find new, modern solutions to the quality challenges associated with activity and community, food and meals, health care, coherence and transitions in the services.

Facilitate and contribute to private actors being able to establish "Care Housing Plus".
Ensure that the need for care homes is followed up throughout the municipality
Continue activity cards for minimum pensioners living alone
Maintain the grant scheme for activities for the elderly
Elderly people in need of care must be given the opportunity to live at home for as long as they wish, as long as it is justifiable. This presupposes good home services. We want user choice for home help and home nursing, so that the elderly themselves can choose which service provider should come to their home, and opt out of offers they are dissatisfied with.
We will work for an offer of outreach preventive home nursing for people over the age of 75 to map the situation for the individual. In this way, the municipality can enter into a dialogue with the elderly and know early on what help needs arise.
We want increased investment in habilitation and rehabilitation in the home services, in addition to ordinary care, to ensure the individual the best possible functional ability. It is therefore important that the municipality facilitates this through occupational therapy and physiotherapy.
Some older people are lonely and feel insecure about living at home even though they have daily supervision from the home services. Many still have a level of function which means that a nursing home place is not the right offer. A central part of Sandefjord FrP's care policy in Sandefjord is to invest in so-called Omsorg Plussboliger. There are homes that have a higher standard than ordinary care homes, but which do not qualify as nursing homes. A large number of people with a great need for care feel secure in living in care apartments where there is a 24-hour guard and other services. Where they do not live in an institution, but in their own apartments.

Ensure the quality and further develop the service offer within home nursing.
Work for the continuation of the "live the whole life" reform
That the individual should be able to decide who they want to receive home care services from
Sandefjord FrP wants you to look forward to growing old. A nursing home should not be a storage space, but a place that offers a meaningful everyday life for our elderly through activity and joy. People must be able to live their whole lives.
A good and nutritionally adapted diet is important to increase well-being, and that it will be able to reduce unnecessary medication use. The sickest elderly must be guaranteed a nursing home place. Nursing homes should be established with wards that are specially adapted for different user groups, and medical coverage must be strengthened.
Private actors must be able to offer nursing home places on an equal footing with the municipalities, and those who need a place must have the opportunity to choose offers outside their own municipality as well. When nursing homes have to compete for users, this will raise the quality of the offer.
Many older couples want to continue living and living together, even if there is a need for care and nursing with one of the parties. Sandefjord municipality shall have a cohabitation guarantee so that older couples will have the opportunity to live together, even in cases where one or both need to move to a more adapted home or in an institution. It is important that relatives are also consulted.

Increase the number of real nursing home places
Working for the establishment of a privately run nursing home
Spotlighting nutritious and good food in nursing homes
Focus on activities and entertainment being carried out
Ensure that the spouse and cohabitant guarantee is carried out in Sandefjord Municipality
The primary health care service is important in the prevention and treatment of diseases. The health and care services must be professionally sound and of good quality. We want to ensure that our municipality has enough GPs and that the inhabitants have good outpatient services that can treat acute conditions that occur outside the doctors 'offices' normal opening hours.
We want more GPs to find it expedient to be open in the evening to relieve the emergency room and ensure the school health service and a good health service for parents / children by developing the health station and the school health service to work more preventively. We also want to ensure our citizens enough access to physiotherapy services.

Work for full medical coverage in the primary healthcare service
Secure and further develop the youth health service to work more preventively
Sandefjord FrP will strengthen the rehabilitation services and use the capacity and competence available in the field. In order to ensure a comprehensive offer within the health sector, it is important to see rehabilitation in connection with other services. Prevention and early intervention are important to reduce the need for treatment and rehabilitation services.

Increase habilitation and rehabilitation capacity
Equalize public and private providers
Work for good and adapted habilitation and rehabilitation services
Work to ensure that the municipality's coordinating unit functions optimally
Sandefjord FrP will work to ensure that people with disabilities are not exposed to discrimination. The conditions should be arranged in both home, school and work situation according to the individual's needs. Sandefjord FrP will support adaptations of access to public buildings / offices to make these accessible to the disabled, to the extent that this is physically possible in relation to the nature of the buildings.
Sandefjord FrP believes that the mentally handicapped must be given the same opportunities to function in society as other people. Conditions should be facilitated and based on the individual's needs. The work offer for the mentally handicapped in Sandefjord will be maintained and further developed.

Work to ensure that people with disabilities are not subjected to discrimination
That families who themselves are responsible for people with disabilities must be given better relief options
Work for the principle of universal design for public buildings
User-controlled personal assistant (BPA) is a tool to give people with disabilities the opportunity to live as normal and dignified a life as possible.
Sandefjord FrP wants the current guidelines to be laid down in regulations for BPA, this in order toensure that the intention of the law is fulfilled. We also want BPA to be enshrined as an equality tool, not as part of health legislation.
The offer should be financed through NAV as laid down by the social security system. Users who are entitled to BPA must be able to claim their own home, no later than at the age of 25.

Always be concerned with the freedom to choose, which is why we are working to improve the system of free user choice on user-controlled personal assistance
Sandefjord FrP realizes that people with mental illness make up a large and heterogeneous group - children, young people, adults and the elderly - everything from short-term crisis reactions in difficult life situations to chronic conditions that last most of their lives.
Sandefjord FrP is concerned that more and more people, including many young people, are struggling with mental illness and illness. There are still too many who drop out of education and working life as a result of their ailments.
The treatment offer must be adapted to the individual patient. Many of those who today struggle with mental illness should be treated outside the institution through close professional follow-up. At the same time, there must be sufficient capacity for those patients who need institutional care. People with long-term serious mental illnesses should have the opportunity to have an open place in a psychiatric institution.

Increase cooperation with private actors and volunteering
That the state grants for the mental health work in the municipality should go to a permanent strengthening of the offer for people in need of mental health care
Develop new housing options, and continued assistance for people with mental disorders in housing
That the treatment offer must be adapted to the individual patient
Strengthen preventive work
Sandefjord FrP believes that a good family policy and a meaningful schooling are the most important preventive elements. Enlightenment and attitude creation must be the cornerstone in the fight against drug abuse.
This also applies to the work of voluntary organizations. Sandefjord FrP will prioritize preventive work to prevent the development of drug addiction. It is especially important to prioritize prevention aimed at children and young people. Drug addiction is a disease.
Although each individual has personal responsibility for their own way of life, it is inevitable that there are often underlying causes of substance abuse. Among these are mental disorders. We will therefore ensure that treatment of substance abuse must also take into account adequate treatment of additional disorders. Everyone who is motivated to get out of drug abuse must receive the necessary treatment and follow-up to succeed in achieving a drug-free everyday life

That, in consultation with the next of kin, shorter forced treatment can be used for drug addicts who are unable to free themselves from drugs with their own help
Consider new alternative treatment methods
Work for the use of private treatment institutions.
That public and private treatment institutions are treated equally
Strengthen aftercare for former substance abusers
Work to establish an emergency arrangement for the addict and the family
Support private individuals, foundations and non-profit organizations that want to offer qualified treatment and help to people with substance abuse

Sandefjord FrP wants to emphasize that each individual person is responsible for taking care of themselves and their loved ones. However, society must provide a safety net for those who are unable to fend for themselves.
Sandefjord FrP believes that current social policy is too general and far-reaching. Individuals and families should have the right to help from society only if they suffer social distress. Sandefjord FrP sees it as very important in the social policy context to work for people to feel greater responsibility and care for each other.

That social welfare benefits for subsistence must not exceed the minimum pension
That social benefits should not be a permanent source of income
That the activity obligation for young people who receive social benefits must be continued
In the long term, introduce an activity obligation for all recipients of social assistance