Refugees Integration
By refugees we mean persons who satisfy the requirements of the UN Refugee Convention to grant the right to asylum. Immigrants are people who receive a residence permit on humanitarian grounds, or family reunification.
Sandefjord FrP strongly dissociates itself from discrimination, or discrimination based on ethnic or religious affiliation. Sandefjord FrP will consider requests for settlement of refugees from IMDI (Inclusion and Diversity Directorate) measured against capacity in the municipality's reception apparatus, as well as the safety and security of good local communities.
Sandefjord FrP will be active when it comes to a good integration of refugees and immigrants in the municipality.
Sandefjord FrP believes that the best way to become integrated is through work. Language training is a tool for getting a job, but not more important than work, therefore work and language training should normally take place in parallel. Requirements must be made for those who settle, that they immediately accept offers of education and work, if it is available. An immigrant without language, social skills or work can not be considered as anything other than a passive resource for society.
We believe the goal of integration is to provide these skills and opportunities, as well as help the person become a value to society. Sandefjord FrP believes that a future good coexistence between people is integration based on rights and obligations.
Sandefjord FrP believes it is important that children with an immigrant background receive a good offer of Norwegian language training, which makes it easier to be integrated into Norwegian society. Therefore, we want to set a ceiling of 50 percent share of foreign speakers in the municipality's schools and kindergartens.
Assess requests for resettlement of refugees from IMDI measured against the capacity of the municipality's reception apparatus, as well as safety and security in Sandefjord
Be active when it comes to a good integration of refugees and immigrants in the municipality.
Sandefjord FrP believes it is a migrant's duty to integrate into the local community.
A refugee or immigrant without language, social skills or work cannot be considered anything more than a passive resource for society. We believe that the goal of integration is to provide these skills and opportunities, as well as help the person to become an asset to society.
Sandefjord FrP believes that a future good coexistence between people is integration based on rights and duties.
Sandefjord FrP believes it is important that children with an immigrant background get a good offer of Norwegian education, which makes it easier to be integrated into the local community. That is why we want to set a ceiling of 50 per cent of foreign language speakers in the municipality's schools and kindergartens.
unaccompanied minors
Sandefjord FrP are unsure whether the current practice around the reception and integration of unaccompanied minor refugees is the best possible. Starting up in a new country without a good and safe network can lead to a lack of experience of inclusion and understanding of how the local community works. Inadequate integration can lead to finding friendship only with those who have experienced the same, then we believe that the integration has failed.
Work to ensure that everyone who is resettled learns Norwegian
Offer Norwegian training and make requirements for Norwegian knowledge in order to work with health and care services in Sandefjord municipality
Work to ensure that everyone who settles is in education, job training or paid work
Work to ensure that clear training is provided about Norwegian social conditions
Inspire further and further education
Link financial assistance to participation in training measures Be positive about labor immigration to meet the needs of the business world